Music Ministries
The Music Ministries of Grace United Methodist Church are a blend of modern and traditional, which tends to offer more occasions for participation from a greater variety of people. Like all of the ministries at Grace United Methodist Church we strive to create multigenerational opportunities to contribute.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is a four-part choir that sings in a variety of musical styles: a cappella, gospel, classical, and more! The Choir sings at most 9am services and rehearses every Wednesday night from 7-8 pm (September-May). Although music reading ability is useful, it is not a prerequisite. The most important thing our choir members have is the desire to worship and praise God through the gift of music!
Chancel Bells
Handbells are a beautiful expression of musical joy! And if you can count to four and wield a highlighter, you can play handbells: no previous experience is required.
The Chancel Bells play several times throughout the church year. Rehearsals are on Monday nights at 6:30 pm (September-May)
Special Music
Even if you don’t feel led to participate in an ensemble, there are opportunities for all musicians at Grace! We are always looking for musicians, instrumental and vocal, to share their talents during our worship throughout the year, as well as other opportunities during our ensembles' summer break. If you have musical interests, we will find a place for you to express yourself!